01884 831920 Customer Service (8am - 3.30pm Mon-Fri) Suppliers to the bakery trade since 1961 01884 831920 Customer Service (8am - 3.30pm Mon-Fri) Suppliers to the bakery trade since 1961 WESTERN BAKERY CHAMPIONSHIPS HOME | ABOUT | ORDERING AND DELIVERY | BAKO BITE | CONTACT US | GALLERY | MEMBER'S WEBSHOP LOG IN | Western Bakery Championships Home About Ordering and Delivery Bako Bite Contact Us Gallery Member’s Webshop Log In Our 2023 Bako Managers cup Winner.Gary Cox of Premier pastries won with his signature bake Western Bakery Championships 2023/2024 Western Bakery Championships Please download the winners below. DOWNLOAD Cornwall | Devon | Somerset | Dorset | Bristol | Wiltshire | Gloucestershire | Herefordshire | Worcestershire | Warwickshire | Hampshire | Oxfordshire